I am a PhD candidate in the Logic and Philosophy of Science department at the University of California, Irvine. Before that I was an MA student in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and before that I completed a BA in Philosophy at Northwestern University.

I work primarily in formal epistemology and mathematical logic. In particular, I am interested in computable analysis (especially measure theory) and algorithmic randomness. I believe these fields can provide a means for Bayesian epistemology to describe more “realistic” agents while retaining a general, unified perspective on epistemology.

In formal epistemology my recent work studies computable versions of classical representation theorems from decision theory. I am interested more generally in bringing computability into the representational theory of measurement.

I am also interested in the role of probability and randomness in physics, especially in quantum mechanics.

In summer 2022 I was a PIBBSS fellow, and worked with Ramana Kumar, Abram Demski, and Daniel Herrmann on the connection between decision theory and goal-oriented behavior.


Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
University of California, Irvine
3151 Social Science Plaza A
Irvine, CA 92697-5100

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